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Organizers of Chernobyl anniversary march meet with Minsk government officials to discuss the route

The organizers of a Chernobyl anniversary march on Wednesday met with Minsk government officials to discuss the route.

Like in previous years, the march will start in the square in front of the National Academy of Sciences at 6 p.m. and go along Surhanava Street to the so-called Chernobyl chapel, Vital Rymashewski, an organizer of the demonstration who co-chairs the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, told BelaPAN.

The Minsk City Executive Committee denied permission for the march to go along Independence Avenue, Minsk’s main thoroughfare, to Kastrychnitskaya Square, and suggested that the demonstration run along Surhanava Street and end in a rally Bangalore Square on the city outskirts. "We accepted the officials' proposal after they had allowed the rally to be held near the Chernobyl chapel near the square," Mr. Rymashewski said.

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