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Two Belarusian-based banks blacklisted by US Treasury Department

Two Belarusian-based banks are among 21 entities identified by the US Department of the Treasury as controlled by the government of Iran, BelaPAN reports.

Making the list public on Tuesday, the Treasury Department referred to the Iranian Transactions Regulations that prohibit transactions between US persons and Iran's government.

"As its isolation from the international financial and commercial systems increases, the Government of Iran will continue efforts to evade sanctions, including using government-owned entities around the world that are not easily identifiable as Iranian to facilitate transactions in support of their illicit activities," said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey. "Today's identifications will mitigate the risk that such entities pose to legitimate transactions."

The identified entities operate in the banking, insurance and investment, mining, and engineering industries.

Among them are Belarusian-based Onerbank and Bank Torgovy Kapital, which the US Treasury says are controlled by the Iranian government.

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