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Opposition youth group presents «I Love Belarus» awards


An opposition youth group called Malady Front presented its “I Love Belarus” awards at a ceremony in Minsk on February 12.

The event took place at the central office of the Belarusian Popular Front.

The awards were presented to the team of the Belarusian Wikipedia site, Maria Soderberg, the organizer of the annual Swedish Days in Belarus, and Dzmitry Lukashuk, a journalist of European Radio for Belarus, whose question at a post-election news conference prompted Alyaksandr Lukashenka to reveal that Uladzimir Nyaklyayew was held in detention.

"You think that we have abducted and driven him somewhere? No, there will be no such presents anymore," Mr. Lukashenka said while replying to the question in a remark that raised many eyebrows.

Famous rocker Lyavon Volski received the accolade in recognition of his latest album where verses by prominent 19th and 20th century Belarusian poets are set to music, while Mr. Nyaklyayew, a poet and former presidential candidate, was named the winner of the award in the “Politics” category. “It’s not only Uladzimir but also the entire team of the “Tell the Truth!” campaign that should get the credit for such a political breakthrough. Therefore, the selection of Uladzimir Nyaklyayew is also an attempt to honor the people who actively helped his cause and who are now, just like Uladzimir himself, suffering for this at the hands of Lukashenka’s authoritarian regime,” Malady Front said.

Kickboxer Vital Hurkow won the award in the “Sports” category. The athlete displayed an excellent command of Belarusian while giving interviews to state television channels after his victory in a top tournament in Minsk last year.

Ales Byalyatski and Aleh Hulak, the organizers of a campaign called Human Rights Defenders for a Free Election, won the award in the “Public Activity” category.

Malady Front also said that one of the eight awards recognized all government opponents held in detention following the opposition’s December 19 demonstration in Minsk.

All of the winners or their representatives collected diplomas and flowers. The eight statuettes destined for the winners were seized by KGB officers from a student’s apartment earlier that day. //BelaPAN

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