Другие материалы рубрики «English»

  1. Human rights groups condemn European Olympic Committees for “sportswashing” human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
    The coalition also condemns EOC President Patrick Hickey for praising the Azerbaijani leader, Ilham Aliyev.
  2. Kobryn-based opposition activist Ales Mekh launches presidential bid
    Apart from Mr. Mekh, six persons have already announced their intention to run in this year’s presidential election...


Lukashenka tells Minsk government to reopen affected subway line on Wednesday


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has ordered the Minsk City Executive Committee to reopen Wednesday the subway line affected by Monday’s rush-hour bombing.

“I think that we should reopen the subway today," Mr. Lukashenka said in an extraordinary televised address on Wednesday afternoon. "We should do this at least in the evening or by night.”

He told officials of the Minsk city government that they should continue to provide all necessary help and assistance to the victims of the bomb attack. “I know that you do this, but don’t stop. Bring this process to a conclusion in a decent manner and lavish warm attention and care on the people,” he said. //BelaPAN

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