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Lukashenka signs edict requiring banks to sell cash and non-cash foreign currency to individuals only on production of passports


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has signed a presidential edict requiring banks to sell cash and non-cash foreign currency cash to individuals for Belarusian rubels only on production of their passports.

The requirement is to come into force one month after the edict, dated October 6, is officially published.

Such a requirement was in effect in Belarus from 1997 until February 2006.

“The edict was issued within the framework of a set of measures devised by the government and the National Bank of Belarus for achieving a single equilibrium exchange rate of the Belarusian rubel,” says the presidential press office. “The recording of the passport data of individuals [purchasing foreign currency] will make it possible to create an inter-bank centralized electronic database of foreign-currency sales to individuals with the help of a single automated information system.” // BelaPAN

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