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Associations of ethnic Belarusian communities abroad to have addresses published in one book


Belarus’ Culture Institute is about to publish a book containing the addresses of all associations of Belarusian ethnic communities abroad, historian Adam Maldzis told reporters in Minsk on November 29.

In addition, he said, the institute plans to launch a website about Belarusian ethnic minorities in other countries. “Everything is ready for the launch of the website, which we need very much, we only lack money and personnel. At our institute few people deal with all ethnic communities,” he said.

Mikhail Rybakow, director of the National Center for Ethnic Cultures, said that the organization worked to strengthen contacts with ethnic Belarusians resident abroad. “We have realized that our compatriots who live all over the world lack information about Belarusian culture, they lack contacts with Belarusians. Our citizens abroad are good will ambassadors. It is thanks to them that foreigners get an impression, opinion about our country, our culture,” he said.

Mr. Rybakow said that a special training program had been restored for ethnic Belarusians abroad. “They share useful experience, get new information, learn new methods of work, get to know Belarusian artistic teams,” he said.

The National Center for Ethnic Cultures plans to institute an award for the best representation of Belarusian culture abroad. “We will sum up the results in February and will organize such a competition regularly. We need it because Belarusian culture must extend its boundaries. We must create a network of contacts between Belarusians abroad,” Mr. Rybakow said. //BelaPAN

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