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Milinkevich speaks at European People’s Party meeting in Athens


Alyaksandr Milinkevich, leader of Belarus’ Movement for Freedom, on March 7 delivered a speech at a meeting of the European People’s Party’s Group Presidency with the heads of national delegations in Athens.

According to the press office of the Movement, the former presidential candidate emphasized the need for a roadmap for step-by-step rapprochement between Belarus and the European Union, and stressed that the release of all political prisoners should be an indispensable condition for Belarus-EU dialogue.

Mr. Milinkevich pointed out that owing to economic problems, including the weakening of Belarus’ position in the Russian market, Minsk has to improve its relations with the EU because Belarus needs to increase exports to the bloc and acquire modern technologies. He noted that there were government ministers realizing the need for economic liberalization and privatization, “but Alyaksandr Lukashenka is holding back structural reform and attempts at modernization with tight administrative control in place will hardly yield productive results.”

“Despite the fact that the current authorities in Belarus have showed themselves to be an inconsistent and difficult partner, and that the potential for Belarus-EU dialogue is very limited, the dialogue may decrease political repression, increase pro-European sentiments in Belarusian society, expand opportunities for civil society and lead to the liberalization of the economy,” Mr. Milinkevich said. “Any positive step toward Europe is better than steps leading to increased dependence on Russia and the loss of state sovereignty.”

Dialogue through the roadmap of step-by-step rapprochement should be primarily aimed at “winning the hearts and minds of Belarusians,” Mr. Milinkevich suggested, noting that such steps could include the liberalization of the visa regime after the pattern of Poland and Lithuania. “In recent years, despite the regime’s self-isolation, the number of Belarusians’ trips to EU countries has increased several times, which has brought economic benefits to our neighbors and has not led to a surge of illegal migration,” he said.

Milinkevich also suggested expanding scholarship programs for Belarusian university students and training programs for Belarusian experts who would carry out the necessary reforms. He noted that the EU should support small and medium-sized enterprises in Belarus and help promote Belarusian identity and culture. “This will contribute to the openness of the Belarusian economy and society and lead to political transformations in the future,” he said. //BelaPAN

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