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Belarus, Ukraine set to “remove barriers to trade”


Uladzimir Syamashka, Belarus’ first deputy prime minister, and his Ukrainian counterpart, Serhiy Arbuzov, held talks in Kyiv on Friday, reaching an agreement to remove barriers to trade between the two countries.

An agreement was also reached that Ukraine’s agriculture minister will visit Belarus to settle “problem issues” and discuss possible joint agricultural projects, according to the Ukrainian vice premier’s press office.

In addition, Messrs. Syamashka and Arbuzov discussed efforts to further boost bilateral trade and launch new joint projects in the energy, transport and agricultural sectors. They also called for intensifying cooperation in the engineering industry and the joint sale of goods in third countries.

A decision was made that the Belarusian-Ukrainian Interstate Commission will hold its 22nd meeting in May.
Mr. Syamashka also met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who announced that the two countries would speed up efforts to establish joint agricultural machinery plants.

Mr. Azarov said that Ukraine was interested to receive the status of observer in the Customs Union, which would give the country faster access to information about new rules to be adopted by the economic bloc. //BelaPAN

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