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No one-time allowances to be paid to war veterans this year


No one-time allowances will be paid to veterans this year on the occasion on the 68th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-45 Great Patriotic War, Alyaksandr Rumak, deputy minister of labor and social security, told reporters on Tuesday.

Such allowances are expected to be paid next year on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazis invaders, Mr. Rumak said.

The veterans are currently paid monthly supplements to their pensions that amount to five times the minimum old-age pension for the holders of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the holders of the Order of Glory of all the three degrees, four times the pension for the veterans with first- and second-degree disabilities, 250 percent of the pension for the veterans with third-degree disabilities, 100 percent for the survivors of the Siege of Leningrad, and 50 percent for the “home front workers,” Mr. Rumak said.

The veterans with first-degree disabilities are paid monthly “care benefits” of 100 percent of the minimum old-age pension, he said. The veterans are also paid monthly allowances of 75 percent of the pension after reaching the age of 75 and allowances of 100 percent of the pension after reaching the age of 80, he said.

Average old-age pensions for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the people who were disabled during the war are 2,940,000 and 3,380,000 rubels ($339 and $390), respectively, at present, Mr. Rumak said. // BelaPAN

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