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Polish MEP, Swedish activists to demonstrate against world hockey championship in Belarus

European Parliament member Marek Migalski and Swedish civil society activists plan to demonstrate in front of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF)’s office in Stockholm on May 18 to demand that the 2014 world championship be removed from Belarus.

Marek Migalski

According to the Polish MEP’s office, the demonstration will be held during an IIHF congress at which the possibility of moving the tournament from Belarus to another country can be raised.

Meanwhile, the office of Mr. Migalski has launched a campaign called “Lukashenka, Puck You!,” which is aimed at winning public support for the proposal to strip Belarus of the right to host the championship.

Mr. Migalski is among European Union politicians who have campaigned for moving the championship from Belarus to a different country over the country’s poor human rights record since early 2012. //BelaPAN

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