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Alyaksandr Andryyewski stays on as head coach of Belarus' flagship hockey club


Alyaksandr Andryyewski will continue as the head coach of Belarus’ flagship ice hockey team Dinamo Minsk in the 2013/2014 season.

A decision to this effect was made by the club's supervisory board on May 20. The 44-year-old Andryyewski will be assisted by former Team Belarus defenseman Aleh Mikulchyk and Slovak coach Lubomir Pokovic.

Mr. Andryyewski has been in charge of the team, which plays in the Kontinental Hockey League, since he was promoted from assistant coach to head coach following the dismissal of Kari Heikkila in October last year.

Mr. Andryyewski has been with the club since the fall of 2009, when he replaced Canadian Glen Hanlon in the position of head coach. He was demoted to assistant coach after the arrival of Marek Sykora at the beginning of the 2010/2011 season. // BelaPAN

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