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Three nurses of Belarusian Red Cross Society awarded Florence Nightingale Medal


Three members of the Belarusian Red Cross Society (BRCS) have been awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal in recognition of their exemplary services in the area of public health.

Nurses Volha Heytsava from Mazyr, Izolda Syamushyna from Minsk and Tamara Tsyareshyna from Brest collected their medals on June 27, Tatsyana Svyatlovich, a departmental head at the BRCS, told BelaPAN.

"These awards are the highest international recognition of their services and the services of Belarusian nurses in the time of peace," she said.

A total of 30 nurses were awarded the medal this year.

Ms. Tsyareshyna, who has been a nurse for more than two decades, said that the medal came to her as a pleasant surprise. "I didn't expect it, although it is very pleasant as any award," she told BelaPAN.

Two more Belarusian nurses had been awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal in the past. Nina Bliznyuk received the medal in 2009 and Lyudmila Lelikava in 2011.

The BRCS currently employs 111 nurses. //BelaPAN

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