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LGBT activists have applied to the Minsk city authorities for permission to stage two demonstrations


LGBT activists have applied to the Minsk city authorities for permission to stage two demonstrations later this month as part of a series of events collectively called Gay Pride 2013.

The activists want to stage a march along Shevchenko Boulevard that would be concluded with a rally in front of the entrance to a nightclub on December 11. They also want to hold a rally in Nations' Friendship Park the following day.

Not a single gay rights demonstration has been sanctioned by the Minsk authorities so far.

A statement posted on the GayBelarus website in November said that the events would be held under the motto “We Exist” and timed to coincide with World Human Rights Day (December 10).

According to gay rights activists, certain Western countries' embassies and Western politicians, as well as dozens of NGOs from across the world have already expressed support for Gay Pride 2013. //BelaPAN

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