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Over 75,000 people nominated for precinct election commissions


As many as 75,786 people were nominated for precinct election commissions established for this March's local elections, Mikalay Lazavik, secretary of the central election commission, told BelaPAN.

A total of 6,179 precinct election commissions are to be formed. Their members will be responsible for counting votes.
According to Mr. Lazavik, public associations nominated 30,524 people for the commissions. More than 28,000 people were nominated through the collection of voters' signatures, 13,545 were nominated by "worker collectives" and 3,520 by political parties.

As many as 9,384 people were nominated by the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, 4,560 by the pro-government Belaya Rus association, 4,160 by the Belarusian Women's Union, 3,756 by the Belarusian National Youth Union and 3,024 by the Belarusian Association of Veterans.

Nine of the 15 political parties registered in Belarus nominated their members for precinct election commissions. The largest number - 787 - was put forward by the National Party of Labor and Justice. As many as 760 were nominated by the Communist Party of Belarus, 647 by the Belarusian Social and Sports Party, 583 by the Belarusian Agricultural Party and 371 by the Republican Party.

As for opposition parties, 186 people were nominated by the Spravedlivy Mir (Just World) Belarusian Party of the Left, 118 by the United Civic Party, 64 by the Belarusian Popular Front and four by the Hramada Belarusian Social and Democratic Party.

Precinct election commissions are to be formed before February 6. Candidates for local soviets will be registered between February 11 and 20.