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EU uses all means at its disposal to show that changes taking place in Belarus are not sufficient, MEP Protasiewicz says


The European Union uses all means at its disposal to show that the changes taking place in Belarus are not sufficient, especially when it comes to freedom of assembly and association and election standards, Jacek Protasiewicz, chairman of European Parliament`s Delegation for Relations with Belarus, said in an interview with European Radio for Belarus, commenting on the EU’s decision to prolong the suspension of its entry ban against Belarusian government officials for one more year, BelaPAN said.

On October 25, the EU foreign ministers decided to extend the travel sanctions against 41 officials and their suspension for 36 officials, including Alyaksandr Lukashenka, until October 31, 2011.

European politicians’ visits to Belarus, for instance, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite’s recent visit and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski’s forthcoming visit, are not aimed at “supporting anyone, including Lukashenka,” Mr. Protasiewicz stressed.

“Visits to Belarus are part of the European Union’s policy of rapprochement with Belarus, which replaced a policy of isolation in 2008,” he said. “Through meetings, Western politicians inform Belarusian officials of proposed alternatives to self-isolation and non-democratic development.”

“But decision-making on the path of development is in the hands of Belarus: both its government and citizens,” Mr. Protasiewicz said.

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