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One more victim of Pinskdrew blast dies in intensive care


The death toll in an explosion that occurred in the chipboard shop of the Pinskdrew woodworking company on Monday has reached four people.

A man in his mid-30s died in the intensive care unit of the Pinsk Central Hospital on Thursday night, bringing the number of victims killed as a result of the blast to four.

Th worker had burns over 80 percent of his body, Andrey Navumchyk, deputy physician-in-chief at the Pinsk hospital, told BelaPAN.

Two bodies of workers were found by rescuers in the rubble on the day of the explosion. One more man died in intensive care in Pinsk on the night between October 25 and 26.

One victim hurt in the blast remained in the intensive care unit of the Pinsk Central Hospital on Friday morning. The condition of the man, born in 1985, was critical.

A woman who applied for medical assistance on her own was expected to be discharged from the neurosurgery unit later on Friday.

Five more Pinskdrew workers remained in serious condition in the intensive care unit of the Brest Regional Hospital on Friday morning.

Ten victims of the blast were in the National Burns Center in Minsk.

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