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Mikhalevich speaks about Belarusian language, culture in second radio address to voters


Presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich's radio address to the voters on Wednesday morning focused on the Belarusian language and culture, BelaPAN said. 

It became the second and final radio address by the former deputy chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front.

Mr. Mikhalevich, 35, criticized the Belarusian authorities for spending too much money on supporting pop musicians and suggested earmarking some of the funds for translating works by Belarusian-language authors into European languages.

He warned that stagnation in Belarusian culture would affect the people's national consciousness.

The candidate emphasized the importance of the use of Belarusian by government officials and warned the authorities against dividing artists and authors into pro-government and pro-opposition ones.

Mr. Mikhalevich also hit out at the Belarusfilm national studio, which he said is led by a former high-ranking officer of the Committee for State Security. "Where is Belarusian cinema, comrade colonel?" he wondered. "Why are you wasting money on movies that are watched under compulsion only by cadets of the Police and Military Academies?"

Mr. Mikhalevich noted that Culture Minister Pavel Latushka had once left a note in Belarusian in a posh cafe in Minsk about the lack of Belarusian beer there. "He cannot teach journalists with Belarusian television to speak Belarusian and nothing remains for him but to write complaints," he said.

Closing his address with a call against early voting, Mr. Mikhalevich said, "Ales Mikhalevich was with you. I'm certain Ales Mikhalevich will be with you."

Mr. Mikhalevich and Vital Rymashewski have already used both of their television and radio slots.

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