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Dollar declines to 7,610 rubels at BCSE additional trading session


The US dollar on Wednesday fell from 7,650 to 7,610 rubels at the additional trading session at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (BCSE), while the euro’s rate remained unchanged and the Russian ruble closed at 239 rubels, down from 241 on Tuesday.

The first additional session, which was held at the BCSE on September 14, resulted in the Belarusian rubel’s rate of 8,600 to the US dollar, 12.100 to the euro and 305 to the Russian ruble.

Wednesday’s initial demand for the US dollar totaled $35,826,000, whereas the supply amounted to $40,232,000, with the resulting trading volume being $38,072,000.

The initial demand for the euro totaled €10,050,000, while the supply amounted to €10,052,000, with the resulting trading volume being €10,050,000.

The initial demand for the Russian currency totaled 370.3 million rubles, while the supply amounted to 521.8 million, with the resulting trading volume being 468.7 million rubles. //BelaPAN