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Two opposition activists detained, searched at Ukrainian border


Two opposition activists were detained by Belarusian border guards and customs officers at the Ukrainian border on September 30.

Syarhey Semyanyuk and his wife, Iryna Smyayan-Semyanyuk, were returning to Belarus from Ukraine when they were detained.

The couple, who had visited relatives in Ukraine, had their automobile and all belongings examined thoroughly by customs officers, according to the Vyasna human rights group.

“They apparently liked T-shirts bearing a message against the death penalty that were inside the car, they even unfolded one and took a curious look at it,” Mr. Semyanyuk was quoted as saying.

“They were looking for money, it is obvious,” he added.

No illegal items or large amount of cash were found and the activists were eventually allowed to continue their journey.// BelaPAN

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