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Wind rips roofing off Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polatsk


Severe wind blew parts of the roof off the medieval Cathedral of Holy Wisdom (Saint Sophia Cathedral) in Polatsk, Vitsyebsk region, on the night between October 5 and 6.

The press office of the Belarusian emergency management ministry told BelaPAN on Saturday that wind gusts had destroyed about 300 square meters of the tin roofing of the building.

The Vitsyebsk region, that is, the northwestern part of Belarus, was the worst affected by the storm. Several hundred populated localities in the region were left without power, the press office said.

According to the press office, winds of up to 62.6 mph (101km/h) were recorded in Polatsk, Belarus’ oldest city.

The Saint Sophia Cathedral was first built in the 11th century and repeatedly rebuilt in subsequent centuries. The cathedral is now part of the State Museum-Preserve of Polatsk and used as a concert hall with an organ. There is talk of returning the building to the Russian Orthodox Church.

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