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Lukashenka expresses hope that National Assembly will get down to political «modernization»


Alyaksandr Lukashenka expressed hope on Thursday that the newly elected National Assembly would "get down" to the modernization of the country's political system.

"But this will depend not only on domestic conditions but above all on in what external political system and configuration we will exist," the Belarusian leader said in his address to the outgoing legislature at its final meeting in Minsk.

Mr. Lukashenka routinely referred to foreign pressure on Belarus. "Under harsh pressure from outside a decision will have to be made whether or not the state will exist," he said, adding that in times of hardship people in Slavic countries "rally around a strong personality to get protection."

Mr. Lukashenka called on the new members of the National Assembly to use the experience of their predecessors and secure continuity. He suggested that members of the outgoing legislature should be invited to have meetings with their successors.

He urged the National Assembly to be more open to the public. "Public discussions must be introduced on a wider scale and the technical capabilities offered by the Internet must be used better, the way they do that in neighboring countries," he said.

Mr. Lukashenka called for MPs not to limit their functions to "formal voting" but to address constituents' problems and "consider their opinion." "And if an individual's right is violated, he must be offered help," he said. //BelaPAN

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