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Trial of fashion designer Sasha Varlamaw to resume on February 12


Nadzeya Navitskaya, a judge of the Leninski District Court in Minsk who is presiding over the trial of prominent fashion designer Sasha (Alyaksandr) Varlamaw, on Thursday granted the prosecution's request that the next hearing in the case should be held only on February 12.

The prosecution had explained that it needed more time to prepare for announcing the material of the investigation as there were contradictions in statements made by Mr. Varlamaw during the investigation stage and the trial.

Speaking on Thursday, the fourth day of his trial, the 57-year-old Varlamaw acknowledged that he avoided paying 45 million rubels in taxes between 2004 and 2011, but stressed that the offense was unintentional and that he had already been fined for that. //BelaPAN

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