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United Civic Party’s youth wing holds formal founding conference to apply to authorities for registration


The United Civic Party (UCP)’s youth wing called Maladyya Demakraty (Young Democrats) held a formal founding conference in Minsk on April 14 in yet another attempt to obtain legal status.

Alyaksandra Vasilevich, a 26-year-old Hrodna-based activist, was elected the organization’s chairperson. Almost all of the 34 delegates voted for her. She was elected unopposed.

The delegates summed up the results of the organization’s activities in the past two years, describing them as satisfactory.

The organization, which has de facto existed for many years, applied to the justice ministry for registration back in 2010, but the application was turned down. The ministry explained that some fundamental provisions of the organization's charter were inconsistent with laws.

The previous chairperson of Maladyya Demakraty, Aleh Korban, quit the UCP in the summer of 2012 and founded an opposition youth group called Alternatyva (Alternative). //BelaPAN

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