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Lukashenka orders Patupchyk to «purge» energy ministry


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has ordered newly appointed Energy Minister Uladzimir Patupchyk to thoroughly reform and “purge” the ministry.

“My assignment for you is to immediately purge the energy ministry,” the Belarusian leader told the appointee on Monday, according to the presidential press office.

He ordered Mr. Patupchyk to drastically reduce the ministry’s staff and devolve its functions away from the center.

Mr. Lukashenka noted the importance of the position of energy minister, explaining that the development of Belarus depended to a large extend on the performance of the power generation industry.

He said that the former leadership of the ministry had failed to fulfill its tasks. “A great deal was done, but [it was done] in spite of the stance taken by the minister and some officials,” Mr. Lukashenka said. “And then there’re simply unacceptable things, such as corruption and theft. I’ve warned everyone and often talk about this. I find it unacceptable that the minister doesn’t keep track on the spending of the funds earmarked for the modernization of this sector.”

Mr. Lukashenka noted that a “hugely important project,” the construction of a nuclear power plant, was about to begin Belarus.

He told Mr. Patupchyk to stop unnecessary spending by organizations under the authority of the ministry and to calculate the actual costs of power generation in Belarus. “I’m sure that they are exaggerated by some 30 percent because of negligence, mismanagement, monopolism, etc.” Mr. Lukashenka said. “This means that the population covers about half of the costs and not 30 percent.” //BelaPAN

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