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Only release of political prisoners can justify suspension of EU visa entry against Makey, politician says


Only the release of the political prisoners in Belarus can justify the European Union’s decision to suspend its entry ban against Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makey, Anatol Lyabedzka, chairman of the United Civic Party (UCP), told BelaPAN.

“This was a predictable decision that had been discussed in political circles for about a month,” Mr. Lyabedzka said. “It was obvious that the EU had the political will to take this step. It is another attempt by Brussels to establish a dialogue with Belarus.”

Mr. Lyabedzka said that his party viewed the suspensionof the visa ban against Mr. Makey as a mistake. Brussels has introduced an exception to the rules that were used to draw up its blacklist of citizens of Belarus, he explained.

“We may now expect the Belarusian government to respond by releasing one of the political prisoners soon,” Mr. Lyabedzka said. “Only the release of the prisoners of conscience can somehow justify the EU’s decision.” // BelaPAN

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