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Construction ministry proposes merging three cement plants into one export-oriented group

The construction ministry proposes that three Belarusian cement manufacturers – Belarusian Cement Plant in Kastsyukovichy, Mahilyow region, AAT Krychawtsementnashyfer in Krychaw, Mahilyow region, and AAT Krasnaselskbudmateryyaly in Vawkavysk, Hrodna region – should be merged into one export-oriented group, Deputy Construction Minister Dzmitry Semyankevich said Friday, speaking at a meeting of a working group on problems in the construction sector.

"The ministry has a plan for reorganizing the three cement plants," Mr. Semyankevich said, according to the government's news agency BelTA. "At the initial stage, companies that are the main consumers of the plants' products are to be affiliated to them. Simultaneously, they [the plants] would be merged into a group. For this purpose, it is necessary, among other things, to set a uniform price for cement."

According to Syarhey Martynaw, first deputy director general of AAT Budekanomika (construction economics research center), there are also plans to merge manufacturers of glass and ceramics. "For a common marketing and price policy and common branding in foreign markets, it is necessary to establish groups of Belarusian companies that would produce the country's main export items such as cement, glass and ceramics," Mr. Martynaw said.

The ceramics group, called Belkeramika, is likely to include Minsk Building Materials Plant, Radashkovichy Ceramics Plant, Keramin and Byarozabudmateryyaly.

The glass group, Belshklo, is expected to comprise AAT Homyelshklo, Hrodna Glass Works and Nyoman Glassworks. //BelaPAN

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