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Lukashenka sends birthday greetings to head of Russian Orthodox Church


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has sent birthday greetings to Patriarch Kirill (Cyril I), head of the Russian Orthodox Church, who turned 67 on November 20.

“For more than thousand years, the history of Russia and Belarus has been inseparably connected with Christianity,” the Belarusian leader says in his message of greetings. “By promoting the ideals of kindness, humanity, faith, hope and love in society, the Orthodox Church has become a source of humanist values and a champion of patriotism and civil responsibility. We appreciate the efforts of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill to promote peace and concord in society, develop culture, and solve humanitarian problems,” the head of state noted.

Patriarch Kirill was born Vladimir Gundyayev in Leningrad on November 20, 1946. A Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church elected him patriarch of Moscow and all Russia in January 2009. //BelaPAN

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