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Belarus’ dependence on Russia reached critical level, opposition party’s leader says


Belarus’ dependence on Russia has reached a “critical level,” Alyaksey Yanukevich, leader of the Belarusian Popular Front (BPF), said at a meeting of the opposition party’s Soym (Council) on December 7.

The politician warned that “many in Europe are ready to strike Belarus off the agenda.” “They start to believe in the EU that the Belarusian authorities are less and less capable of making independent decisions that would show that they are leading a sovereign state rather than a Russian colony,” said Mr. Yanukevich.

The BPF acknowledges the existence of a realistic threat to Belarus’ independence, he said.

Mr. Yanukevich urged what he called all pro-Belarusian forces to join their efforts in fight for the country’s independence of Russia. “Such a mobilization is difficult to be conducted when any protest and independent thought is stifled. But we have to show that the people is not ready to surrender Belarus to Russia, is against our country being regarded as a Russian colony,” he said. //BelaPAN

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