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Belarus` foreign trade in goods reported up 20 percent in 2010


Belarus` foreign trade in goods increased by 20 percent in the first 2010 to $60.1 billion, Syarhey Barysyuk, deputy head of the State Customs Committee, told reporters in Minsk on January 25.

Foreign trade in goods rose steadily throughout the year, Mr. Barysyuk said. In addition, transit carriage increased both in terms of tonnage and the number of motor vehicles that cross the border, he said. In particular, transit carriage by rail and road increased by four percent to 44.8 million tons and by 22 percent, respectively, and the number of border crossings by 23 percent to 816,000, he said.

In 2010, customs revenues totaled 12.7 trillion rubels ($4,233 million), or one percent more than the target for the year, Mr. Barysyuk said. //BelaPAN

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