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Witness says that investigators did not ask her to identify Kanavalaw


An agent of a real estate firm in Minsk said that investigators did not asked her to identify Dzmitry Kanavalaw, the suspected perpetrator of the April 11 subway bombing, who had rented an apartment in the Belarusian capital city for three days on the eve of the attack with the help of the agency.

Speaking at the trial of Mr. Kanavalaw and his suspected accomplice, Uladzislaw Kavalyow, on Tuesday, the witness for the prosecution, Tatsyana Varawka, said that a young man visited the agency on April 10 to rent the apartment in question. He produced a passport in the name of Dzmitry Kanavalaw and paid 300,000 rubels to get the key to the apartment on Karalya Street, she said.

When asked whether she recognized Mr. Kanavalaw in the dock, she answered in the negative, noting that she had not been offered to recognize him in the course of the pretrial investigation. She added that she had herself expressed wish to see the suspect, but investigators had replied that there was no need in that. //BelaPAN

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