Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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    The coalition also condemns EOC President Patrick Hickey for praising the Azerbaijani leader, Ilham Aliyev.
  2. Kobryn-based opposition activist Ales Mekh launches presidential bid
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Payment delays by Belarus can become “chronic problem,” Gazprom CEO says

The CEO of Russia’s gas giant Gazprom said on Sunday that late payments for gas by Belarus could become a “chronic problem.”

“Maybe, Belarus will find an opportunity to settle its debt,” RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. “Maybe, they will even pay for May’s deliveries on June 23, BelaPAN reports. But we are concerned that the issue of payment delays for the supply of Russian gas to Belarus can become chronic and the reasons for this may be economic.”

Gazprom has threatened to cut gas deliveries to Belarus by 85 percent if it does not settle its $192-million debt by June 21.

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