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Prime Minister Sidorski meets with US Congressman William Delahunt


Belarusian Prime Minister Syarhey Sidroski met with US Congressman William Delahunt in Minsk on Thursday.

Belarus is interested in the participation of American companies in the privatization process in the country, Mr. Sidorski said at the meeting.

As many as 327 US companies operate in Belarus, he said, noting the existence of a Belarus-US business cooperation council.

“While inviting American investors to our country, we are also open for the involvement of American capital in the privatization process in the Belarusian economy,” Mr. Sidorski said.

He pointed to a number of problems as obstacles to active trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, including the US government’s decisions restricting access to the US market for Belarusian exporters. //BelaPAN

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