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Editor of Narodnaya Volya newspaper's website questioned by KGB


The editor of the pro-opposition newspaper Narodnaya Volya's website was questioned by KGB officers for two hours on Thursday.

Alyaksandr Lyushkevich received a phone call from KGB officers shortly after he had left the newspaper's office. "They asked me about my whereabouts and asked me to stay there, saying that they would drive there to pick me up soon," he said.

Mr. Lyushkevich declined to reveal any details about the questioning, explaining that he had given a written pledge not to.

Narodnaya Volya said that Mr. Lyushkevich had not attended the December 19 post-election street protest in Independence Square in Minsk.

Narodnaya Volya Editor-in-Chief Iosif Syaredzich and Deputy Editors Svyatlana Kalinkina and Maryna Koktysh were questioned by the KGB earlier this year. //BelaPAN

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