Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Belarus is determined to join Bologna Process, education minister says


Belarus is determined to join the Bologna Process, Education Minister Syarhey Maskevich said in his speech at a session of the UN Economic and Social Council in Geneva on July 7.

He presented a report on the implementation by Belarus of its international obligations in the sphere of education.

The report contained "detailed information about Belarus' national policy in the sphere of education, including in the context of the country's implementation of its international commitments declared in the Millennium Development Goals adopted as a result of the UN summit in 2000," the Belarusian foreign ministry's press office said.

Speaking at the session, Mr. Maskevich answered questions about the objectives of Belarus' Education Code, the country's pre-school training program, the development of vocational schools and its strategy of higher learning development.

The report stressed that Belarus' education policy is consistent with the "world's highest standards," the press office said. //BelaPAN

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