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Belarusian foreign ministry expresses «regret» over EU's oil embargo against Iran


The Belarusian foreign ministry has expressed “regret” over the European Union’s formal decision to introduce an oil embargo against Iran.

In a statement released on Tuesday, the ministry said that its firm position is that “any unilateral sanctions are counterproductive,” noting the “importance of international diplomatic efforts, especially those made within the United Nations.”

“Methods of economic pressure and compulsion are absolutely unacceptable in international practice and can only fuel tensions between sovereign states and in the international arena on the whole,” said the ministry.

The sanctions against Iran can “escalate the situation in the strategically important region of the Middle East, which can have unpredictable consequences for the entire world,” it warned.

The measures “have nothing to do” with Iran’s nuclear program and will only do harm to the economy of the country and ordinary people,” the ministry added. //BelaPAN

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