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President of Kazakhstan to arrive in Belarus one day later than initially scheduled

President Nursultan Nazarbayev will arrive in Minsk on the evening of May 13, one day later than initially scheduled, an officer at Kazakhstan's embassy, told BelaPAN.

On May 14, Mr. Nazarbayev is expected to hold talks with Alyaksandr Lukashenka, meet with journalists and lay flowers at the obelisk in Victory Square, the officer said, adding that the Kazakh president would leave for Kazakhstan later in the day.

Altai Abibullayev, spokesman for Kazakhstan's foreign ministry, announced on Monday that President Nursultan Nazarbayev would stay in Belarus between May 12 and May 14.

Mr. Nazarbayev will hold talks with Alyaksandr Lukashenka to discuss the current state and development prospects of Kazakh-Belarusian cooperation in the political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres, and exchange opinions on a broad range of issues of the international agenda, Mr. Abibullayev said.

Particular attention will be paid to practical steps to strengthen industrial, agricultural, scientific, technical, transport and investment cooperation, and implement the 2009-2016 program of economic cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belarus, Mr. Abibullayev said.

In addition, the presidents will discuss cooperation within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

A number of interstate agreements are expected to be signed as a result of Mr. Nazarbayev's visit.

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