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Lukashenka sends birthday greetings to Vladimir Putin


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has sent a letter of greetings to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

“People in Belarus know and appreciate you as a sincere and staunch advocate of fostering genuinely fraternal ties between our countries,” the Belarusian leader says in his letter, according to the presidential press office. “To a considerable extent, it is thanks to your efforts that a new breath of life has been given to Belarusian-Russian strategic partnership and joint work to develop the Customs Union and the Common Economic Zone has been significantly intensified. Large-scale integration projects involving Belarus and Russia are taking a visible shape.”

“I am convinced that your vast experience, life wisdom, principled stand, and kind attitude toward Belarus will continue to contribute to mutually beneficial cooperation between our states and strengthen friendship between the Belarusians and the Russians.”

Mr. Lukashenko has wished Mr. Putin “inexhaustible energy,” strong health and every success in his “hard and responsible work for the good of the Russian Federation.”

According to the press office of the Belarusian leader, on October 7, Mr. Lukashenka phoned the president of Russia to wish him all the best on the occasion of his birthday. //BelaPAN

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