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Alyaksandr Peraslawtsaw appointed head of state timber industry conglomerate


Alyaksandr Lukashenka has given his consent to the appointment of Alyaksandr Peraslawtsaw as head of the Belarusian State Timber, Woodworking, Pulp and Paper Industries Concern (Bellespaperapram).

Mr. Peraslawtsaw previously served as director of a state company called Belarusian Wallpaper.

As a result of his inspection of AAT Ivatsevichydrew on November 23, Mr. Lukashenka dismissed Barys Mikhnyuk from the position of director general of the woodworking company and appointed Uladzimir Shulha, who was then head of Bellespaperapram, to act as director general.

According to the government's news agency BelTA, Mr. Lukashenka was angered by numerous manifestations of mismanagement and negligence. He found that the company's old production unit was in a "state of extreme untidiness," BelTA reported. Industrial waste and garbage were scattered everywhere, there were broken window glass in some rooms, and basic safety rules were not observed, the report said.

When asked by employees what would happen to Ivatsevichydrew, Mr. Lukashenka said, "I can promise you that there will not be a plant like that anymore, a plant that turned into a garbage dump in some places. You will do this, maybe with a new director. The government will discuss this matter tomorrow. Shulha will be sent here to act as director general until he puts the business to rights." //BelaPAN

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