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Lukashenka orders railroad built between Minsk airport and city center


Alyaksandr Lukashenka on April 4 directed the government and Belarusian Railroads to urgently develop a project to build a railroad that would connect Minsk National Airport with the city center, BelaPAN said.

According to the government’s news agency BelTA, the Belarusian leader gave the directive while meeting with Peter Spuhler, the owner and CEO of Stadler Rail Group.

“It is necessary to look at existing railroads and branches, and do this project without delay,” Mr. Lukashenka said, noting that the railroad would significantly expand the potential of the airport. “More people will be able to use the services of the airport because it will be easier to get there. At present this is a certain problem,” he explained.

Mr. Lukashenka suggested that the existing railroads and infrastructure should be used to the maximum possible degree, and that the financing of some projects under government programs should be suspended in order to fund the construction of the railroad.

This is extremely important project, which would not require much money if it were spent in an efficient way, he stressed.

It is quite possible that passengers will be able to travel from Minsk to the airport by electric commuter train as early as the end of 2014, BelTA said.

Minsk National Airport is located 42 kilometers (26 miles) east of Minsk. It currently takes between 60 and 90 minutes to get to the airport by bus from the city’s bus terminals.

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