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Former President Roza Otunbayeva reveals that Bakiyev fled Kyrgyzstan because Russia, USA and Kazakhstan had asked her not to interfere


Roza Otunbayeva, a former president of Kyrgyzstan, revealed during a conference in Bishkek on April 5 that her ousted predecessor Kurmanbek Bakiyev had been able to flee because she had allowed him to leave the country at the request of the presidents of Russia, the United States and Kazakhstan, BelaPAN said.

"I let Bakiyev leave the country and I'm ready to bear responsibility for this," Ms. Otunbayeva said, according to Kyrgyzstan's news agency 24.kg.

She explained that the continued presence of Mr. Bakiyev in the country could have led to a civil war. "We couldn't have ignored the advice of the presidents if those most powerful states," Ms. Otunbayeva said. "They promised us investment to rebuild what had been destroyed."

Kurmanbek Bakiyev and his family members and associates were given refuge by Belarus after a popular uprising in Kyrgyzstan in 2010. The new Kyrgyz government has repeatedly called for their extradition, accusing Mr. Bakiyev and his brother Zhanybek of sanctioning gunfire on a crowd of protesters that left more than 80 people dead. In February 2013, a 24-year prison sentence was imposed on Kurmanbek Bakiyev in absentia on charges of abuse of power. Zhanybek Bakiyev was found guilty of multiple murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Belarus has condemned their prosecution as politically motivated and rejected all extradition requests.

In August 2012, Kyrgyzstan recalled its ambassador from Belarus, while the area around the Belarusian embassy in Bishkek became the scene of angry street protests. Earlier this week, protesters threatened to douse the embassy with gasoline and set it ablaze if Kurmanbek Bakiyev was not sent back to Kyrgyzstan.

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