
Village in Homyel region grapples with flood water


A small village in the Homyel region has been enveloped by flood water as the River Prypyats (Pripyat) continues rising.

Residents of Azyarany, Zhytkavichy district, have to use boats to move inside the village. Many of the houses have been engulfed and the water level is expected to rise further.

Local resident Uladzimir told BelaPAN that he had to lift all his possessions inside his house as he expected water to seep in. His dog was taken to his parents` place after its kennel was submerged.

"I have taken away the car and the trailer. My property is insured, but the possessions should be rescued," he said.

"As far as I remember the previous times the water was as high were in 1979 and 1999."

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