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Belarus' foreign trade in goods reported up 19.8 percent in first four months

Belarus' foreign trade in goods increased by 19.8 percent year-on-year in the first four months of 2010 to $16,547.9 million, said the National Statistics Committee, BelaPAN reports.

The country’s exports reportedly increased by 29.5 percent to $7,242.3 million and imports by 13.2 percent to $9,305.6 million. The deficit in trade in goods thus totaled $2,063.3 million, down from $2,629.7 million in the first four months of 2009.

Belarus had a deficit of $1,996 million in trade with the CIS member countries in the first four months, compared with $2,709.4 million in the same period of 2009.

Exports rose by 51.6 percent to $3,772.1 million and imports by 11 percent to $5,768.1 million. Trade with the CIS countries increased by 24.1 percent to $9,540.2 million.

Belarus' exports to Russia rose by 51.3 percent to $2,831 million and imports from Russia by 9.4 percent to $5,207.6 million. Trade between the two countries amounted to $8,038.6 million, 21.2 percent more than in the first four months of 2009. The deficit in trade with Russia totaled $2,376.6 million, down from $2,889.9 million.

Trade with Kazakhstan increased by 50.2 percent to $155.7 million. Belarus' exports rose by 66.6 percent to $136 million, while imports decreased by 10.5 percent to $19.7 million. Belarus had an export surplus of $116.3 million in trade with Kazakhstan in the first four months of 2010, up from $59.1 million in the same period of 2009.

Trade with non-CIS countries increased by 14.3 percent to $7,007.7 million, with exports rising by 11.8 percent to $3,470.2 million and imports by 16.9 percent to $3,537.5 million. Belarus thus had a deficit of $67.3 million in trade with non-CIS countries, compared with an export surplus of $79.7 million in the first four months of 2009.

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