Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Dollar reaches new all-time record high at 3,023 rubels

The US dollar climbed to a fresh all-time record high against the Belarusian rubel, closing at 3,023 rubels at the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (BCSE) on Thursday, BelaPAN reports.

Twenty-three banks took part in Thursday’s trading in the US dollar, with the demand totaling $28.3 million and the supply amounting to $5.7 million.

The euro closed at 3,697 rubels, up from 3,690 on the previous day. The Russian ruble fell from 96.62 to 96.37 rubels.

Since the beginning of the year, the Belarusian rubel fell by 5.59 percent against the dollar and by 1.81 percent against the Russian ruble, and rose by 9.95 percent against the euro.

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