Другие материалы рубрики «English»

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Government set to encourage private enterprise, Lukashenka says

The Belarusian government will concentrate efforts on encouraging private enterprise and using the world’s best practices to improve the economic performance, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said Thursday at a convention of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, as quoted by BelaPAN.

“Efforts to modernize economic approaches, make industrial processes more technological and introduce innovation in all spheres on a large scale are designed to increase the competitiveness of not only Belarusian products but our entire country in the world,” the Belarusian leader’s press office quoted him as saying at the meeting.

Mr. Lukashenka pledged that he would give producers and businesspeople “total freedom” in the management of their funds in the next five years. If they have money left after making tax and other compulsory payments, they will be free to use it at their own discretion, he said.

“Work and bear responsibility before your employees, and I will see to ensure that fundamental rights, rights to labor and decent pay, are respected,” he said.

Mr. Lukashenka said that the government would continue supporting the government-funded sector. “But if you want higher pay, cut the staff,” he said. “Of the 110-strong staff of a district executive committee, you should leave only 70 people, but they should perform the same duties. Eliminate 40 jobs and increase pay to the remaining people. We will not go wild by reducing pay.”

He stressed that companies should perform efficiently to earn funds.

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