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Opposition forces set to stage demonstration against Lukashenka`s reelection bid

Opposition forces plan to stage a demonstration in Minsk on November 24 to protest Alyaksandr Lukashenka`s reelection bid, BelaPAN reports.

While talking to reporters in Minsk on Wednesday, Pavel Sevyarynets, co-chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, described the protest as a key event ahead of December`s election.

"The event is to be scheduled for November 24 for two reasons. The first is that it is the next day after the deadline for candidate registration. The second is that it is the anniversary of the infamous 1996 referendum used by Lukashenka to change the constitution. In fact this becme the first day of the authoritarian and undemocratic government that has not been recognized by any civilized country," Mr. Sevyarynets said, adding that the demonstration would be held under the motto "Go."

"Its main sense is that Lukashenka has no right to run in the presidential election," the politician said.

Mr. Sevyarynets said that the BCD was already starting to advertise the event. Activists collecting ballot-access signatures for BCD presidential nominee Vital Rymashewski will also be informing the public about the demonstration.

Speaking at the news conference, Malady Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich described Mr. Lukashenka as an "illegitimate and self-proclaimed president" and said that the opposition youth group would be protesting the incumbent leader`s reelection bid. "If he runs in the presidential election, the poll will make no sense anymore in our opinion," Mr. Dashkevich said.

Mr. Rymashewski called on all pro-opposition parties and NGOs to support the demonstration.

"Lukashenka has no right to run for president. This is one of the main points on which we must focus the presidential campaign," he said.

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