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Law enforcers establish cause of death of Belarusian woman found dead in house at Belgium-Dutch border in 2008

Belgium’s law enforcers have completed a forensic examination aimed at ascertaining the cause of death of a 26-year-old Belarusian woman who was found dead in a house in Baarle-Nassau at the Belgian-Dutch border in February 2008, according to the Belgian newspaper Gazet van Antwerpen, as quoted by BelaPAN.

The exact cause of the death was established, but it would not be disclosed to the public. British, German and UK experts had been invited to take part in the examination.

The investigation of the case is expected to be completed before November.

It is not yet clear whether Katsyaryna Khanyak’s husband, the main suspect, will be indicted on a charge of killing her.

Robert Jan Breukel is denying his guilt. He stays currently in Belgium, having to comply with court-ordered restrictions on movements. His daughter from his relationship with the Belarusian woman lives with him.

If found guilty of killing the woman, Mr. Breukel might face up to 30 years in prison. On a charge of burying the dead body, he may receive one year in prison.

The body of Katsyaryna Khanyak, who had been missing since April 2007, was discovered in a box cemented just under the bed of the small girl, Nicole.

The woman had lived at the house together with her husband and daughter. In July, relatives in Minsk complained to the Maskowski district police department that they had not heard of the woman for months. The police called Interpol in the investigation of the disappearance.

Local media say that the Belarusian woman arrived in Antwerp to work in a brothel and Mr. Breukel was a client of her. Relatives of the woman claim that she went to Belgium on vacation.

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