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Baumgertner's lawyers pushing for meeting with Belarusian prosecutor general

Uralkali CEO Vladislav Baumgertner's lawyers are pushing for a meeting with Belarus' prosecutor general or deputy prosecutor general, a spokesperson for the National Bar Association told BelaPAN with reference to Hanna Slavina, one of the lawyers.

The lawyers reportedly want to meet the officials to tell them arguments in the defense of Mr. Baumgertner's "rights and lawful interests."

They are expected to receive a reply to their request for such a meeting at the beginning of next week at the latest.

Ms. Slavina reportedly denied reports that the lawyers had been banned from giving any comments on the case. She stressed that lawyers in Belarus were independent in their actions and obeyed laws rather than authorities' directives.

Last week Mr. Baumgertner's legal team also filed complaints with the Investigative Committee, the Minsk City Court chairperson and the Minsk city prosecutor.

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