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Lukashenka tells farms to cut production costs


Alyaksandr Lukashenka directed on September 28 that agricultural companies cut their production costs significantly within the next few years.

While opening the Dazhynki annual end-of-harvest festival in Zhlobin, Homyel region, the Belarusian leader described reducing the cost of agricultural production as the main task for the sector. He stressed that the farming sector should cut its costs by a fourth within the following two years.

Mr. Lukashenka noted rising competition in the global food market, “especially now that our main partner and market, Russia, has joined the World Trade Organization.” “The problem is that we should work on the problem of farming cost reduction every day. We have no other way but cut these costs,” he said, adding that his directive could be fulfilled “easily.”

Speaking about the festival, Mr. Lukashenka suggested that the central government and local authorities consider changing its format, but in a way that would not leave farm workers feeling disrespected.

“This festival will remain. This is the soul of our peasants, our village, and without the village and peasants there is no country,” he said.

Speaking to reporters after the ceremony, Mr. Lukashenka said that he wanted Dazhynki to become a tourist attraction. “I would be very pleased if it were the case,” he said, “There would be hardly a single person who would express the opposite opinion.//BelaPAN

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